Tuesday, March 3, 2009

third wedding

“Zack, come here. I need to vent on someone.”
“Sure, what’s wrong?”
“This just isn’t right; I don’t want to be here. Jacob is making a huge mistake today and I can’t just go up and tell him that. Why would he choose her?”

Is she talking about me??

“She’s rude, and inconsiderate, and a selfish spoiled brat. And what is with these bridesmaid dresses?!”

Ok, she is talking about me. I knew she didn’t like me, but this much?!

“I’m surprised she fits into her wedding dress without her muffin top tearing the seams!”

Why would she go as low to bring up the weight issue? She knows I’ve struggled with it my entire life, it’s not my fault. I thought she would under stand that much.

“I don’t even know how there are so many people here. I’m surprised they didn’t turn down the invitation because she smells so bad. I swear it seems like she came from the Black Lagoon, she smells so bad.”

Ok, that’s it. This is MY day. And here, all she wants to do is make drama, and create attention towards herself. What an insignificant little bit-

“Come on Zack, we have to think of a way to humiliate her in front of everyone! Ha-ha, this is going to be great….”
“I don’t know Carmen; I think I should stay out of this. This is a rift between the two of you. I’m already grounded as it is; I don’t want another two years added to my sentence because of your evil plans. Which come to think of it, it was another one of your evil plans that got me grounded in the first place…”
“Oh shut up Zack. Help me out on this one. Now I’m thinking a tray of bright red cocktails on her ugly white lace dress. Ooh, maybe a cake in her face- no, too over done. I know, how about a speech? One that humiliates her in front of everyone!! Yeah…. I like the way this is going…”

What?! Oh, she is going to regret ever THINKING about humiliating me like that!
Just how exactly am I going to get back at her? Hmmm….